

Winter at the Polish-Slovakian boundary, including the Tatra Mountains region (the highest part of the Carpatians Mountains, the boundary of Poland and Slovakia). Data of ALI sensor, the EO-1 satellite, acquainted November 30, 2003. Click the image to enlarge.


Enlarge to see the border between snow-covered and snow-free land (snow is marked in red, clouds are white). The water body in the north part of the image is Baltic Sea, with its snow-free coast marked with shades of green. Image from ETM+ sensor of the Landsat 7 satellite, February 22, 2000. Click the image to enlarge.


Winter at the Polish-Slovakian. Above the snow layer only forests and buildings are seen, significantly contrasting with white background. Roads leading to Zakopane are easily seen. Image of ETM+ sensor, Landsat 7 satellite, November 29, 1999. Click the image to enlarge.


Snow-covered part of the Carpathians and the Sandomierz Basin on the Christmas Eve of 1999. Image of ETM+ sensor, Landsat 7 satellite. Click the image to enlarge.


White stripes on the Earth's surface after the snow showers in mid-February 2002. Image of ETM+ sensor, Landsat 7 satellite. Click the image to enlarge.


Snow-covered central part of the Vistula river valley (Poland). Image of ETM+ sensor, Landsat 7 satellite, February 28, 2001. Click the image to enlarge.


Ice floe in the Szczecin Lagoon, as seen by the ETM+ sensor of Landsat 7 satellite in mid-February, 2003. Click the image to enlarge.


Snow-covered estuary of Vistula river and Vistula Lagoon (note the ice floe transported by the river into Baltic Sea). Image of ETM+ sensor, Landsat 7 satellite, February 16, 2003. Click the image to enlarge.


Snowy landscape of Warsaw on January 8, 2003. Panchromatic image of ALI sensor on-board EO-1 satellite. Click the image to enlarge.


Boundary of the snow cover coincided with the course of the administrative boundary between Poland and Ukraine. Snow-free vegetated areas are in red. Image of ETM+ sensor, Landsat 7 satellite, February 19, 2000. Click the image to enlarge.


© 2010-2015  | Earth Observation Group at CBK PAN
Data analysis and web site concept: Andrzej Kotarba
Web site maintenance: Andrzej Kotarba and Adam Włodarkiewicz
Contact info:

Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

Web site was partialy deweloped under the framework of the following projects:
  GEO Network for Capacity Building - GEONetCab (, 2009-2012
  Earth Observation for Economic Empowerment - EOPOWER (,

Disclaimer: We put our best effort to make this web site as accurate as possible. Nevertheless the web site comes with no warranty to its users. By using this web site and/or data published on this web site you acknowledge, that you are doing this on YOUR OWN risk and responsibility. Acknowledgement: Source data used by this web site (The Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System, or IMS) originates from NOAA servers and are freely available for everyone at