SATMIROL project aims to solve the problems faced by agricultural statistics and recipients of agricultural statistics by:

  • development of methods based on satellite data from the European COPERNICUS program for:
    • the identification and monitoring of agricultural crops;
    • assessing the impact of extreme phenomena such as: floods, droughts, frost, etc. on the condition of crops during the growing season and yields;
  • creating a pioneering system for identifying and monitoring of agricultural crops from processed satellite images, which will enable:
    • obtaining spatial data at a low level of aggregation (transition from the level of voivodships to the level of individual fields);
    • faster acquisition of statistics on crops and in greater time resolution (data at the level of municipalities are currently provided once every 10 years as part of the agricultural census, after the completion of the SATMIROL project, they will be provided annually);
    • cost reduction (omission of laborious preparation and conduct of a questionnaire survey).

The works are carried out in an interdisciplinary team consisting of employees of the Statistics Poland, CBK PAN and IGIK in the following steps:

  • development of a strategy for building the SATMIROL system for identifying and monitoring crops based on satellite data,
  • development of methods for identification of crops based on satellite data,
  • building solutions for assessing the condition of crops and monitoring of crisis situations,
  • field calibration of data obtained from Sentinel satellites,
  • creating procedures related to the implementation of algorithms for crop recognition,
  • developing procedures related to the implementation of algorithms for assessing the condition of crops and monitoring of crisis situations,
  • implementation and launch of a system for the identification and monitoring of agricultural crops.

The main stakeholders of the project results will be: a public administration (ministries and their subordinate units, agencies, local government units); scientific community (research institutes, universities as well as students and researchers who use statistical information in their work); industry, professional associations and farmers. The obtained results can be used to monitor and evaluate the activities carried out under the Rural Development Program. In addition, the data obtained from the system will also be widely used in the preparation of analyses, expert opinions, assessments and scientific opinions for state administration bodies responsible for the cohesion policy.

Project realized in the consortium of: Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk (CBK PAN) and Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii (IGiK).

Projekt SATMIROL realizowany jest w ramach Programu „Społeczny i gospodarczy rozwój Polski w warunkach globalizujących się rynków” GOSPOSTRATEG.

Project duration: January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021
Funding: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, Główny Urząd Statystyczny
Principal Investigator: GUS
Contact in CBK PAN: dr Edyta Woźniak