Remote sensing as a recipe for effective urban adaptation to the effects of climate change

The ambition of the project ‘Using remote sensing to manage blue-green urban infrastructure for climate change adaptation’ (LIFECOOLCITY) is to support the management of blue-green infrastructure (BZI) in 10,000 cities in the European Union,


The basic assumption of the project is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for fully automatic detection of military objects such as aircraft and boat. IntSen2 aims to support the operational autonomy of the


DeeCCA – Change in Deep Convective Clouds Activity over Europe as a response to the Climate Change. One of the consequences of global warming, also affecting Europe, is a change in atmospheric circulation in


FPCUP – Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement. Główne cele projektu to: promowanie wykorzystania aplikacji i usług opartych o Obserwacje Ziemi wsparcie rozwoju europejskiego przemysłu kosmicznego i maksymalizacja szans dla europejskich przedsiębiorstw w zarezie opracowania