Diele F., Luiso I., Marangi C., Martiradonna A., Woźniak E. (2022) Evaluating the impact of increasing temperatures on changes in Soil Organic Carbon stocks: sensitivity analysis and non-standard discrete approximation
The SOC change index, defined as the normalized difference between the actual Soil Organic Carbon and the value assumed at an initial reference year, is here tailored to the RothC carbon model dynamics. It

Kotarba, A. Z. (2022) Impact of the revisit frequency on cloud climatology for CALIPSO, EarthCARE, Aeolus, and ICESat-2 satellite lidar missions
Space profiling lidars offer a unique insight into cloud properties in Earth’s atmosphere and are considered the most reliable source of total (column-integrated) cloud amount (CA), and true (geometrical) cloud top height (CTH). However,

EOTiST project during IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress
Results of EOTiST project will be presented during he biggest European landscape ecology conference – IALE 2022. The conference will take place between 11 and 15 of July 2022. The list of presentations with

Kotarba, A.Z, Nguyen Huu, Ż. (2022) Accuracy of cirrus detection by surface-based human observers
The longest cirrus time series are ground-based, visual observations captured by human observers [synoptic observations (SYNOP)]. However, their reliability is impacted by an unfavorable viewing geometry (cloud overlap) and misclassification due to low cloud

Bojanowski J., Sikora S., Musiał J., Woźniak E., Katarzyna Dąbrowska-Zielińska K., Slesiński P., Milewski T., Łączyński A. (2022), Integration of Sentinel-3 and MODIS Vegetation Indices with ERA-5 Agro-meteorological Indicators for Operational Crop Yield Forecasting
Timely crop yield forecasts at national level are substantial to support food policies, to assess agricultural production and to subsidize regions affected by food shortage. This study presents an operational crop yield forecasting system

Woźniak E., Rybicki M., Kofman W., Aleksandrowicz S., Wojtkowski C., Lewiński S., Bojanowski J., Musiał J., Milewski T., Slesiński P., Łączyński A. (2022), Multi-temporal phenological indices derived from time series Sentinel-1 images to country-wide crop classification
Crop classification is a crucial prerequisite for the collection of agricultural statistics, efficient crop management, biodiversity control, the design of agricultural policy, and food security. Crops are characterized by significant change during the growing

DeeCCA – Change in Deep Convective Clouds Activity over Europe as a response to the Climate Change. One of the consequences of global warming, also affecting Europe, is a change in atmospheric circulation in

Arslan A. N. et al. (2021), Developing Support for Monitoring and Reporting of GHG Emissions and Removals from Land Use, Land Change and Forestry
This paper presents plans and efforts on European Union (EU) Member States (MSs) (including Norway and Iceland)-specific support for monitoring emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) which are

Torralba J., Ruiz L. Á., Georgiadis C., Patias P., Gómez-Conejo R., Verde N., Tassapoulou M., Bezares Sanfelip F., Grommy E., Aleksandrowicz S., Krätzschmar E., Krupiński M., Carbonell-Rivera J. P. (2021), Methodological proposal for the identification of marginal lands with remote sensing-derived products and ancillary data
The concept of marginal land (ML) is dynamic and depends on various factors related to the environment, climate, scale,culture, and economic sector. The current methods for identifying ML are diverse, they employ multiple parameters

Grzyb T., Kulczyk S., Derek M., Woźniak E. (2021), Using social media to assess recreation across urban green spaces in times of abrupt change
For most of the world’s population, urban green spaces (UGS) offer the easiest form of contact with nature. Such environments deliver a wide variety of Recreational Ecosystem Services (RES) to visitors. This paper explores