Jenerowicz M., Wawrzaszek A., Krupiński M., Aleksandrowicz S., and Drzewiecki W. (2019), Comparison of mathematical morphology with the local multifractal description applied to the image samples processing, Proc. SPIE
This paper presents the results of a preliminary comparison of two methods which are based on the mathematical approach, Mathematical Morphology and the Local Multifractal Description. Both methods are characterized by the need for input parameters defining. Those parameters are engaged in the model development, allowing to study the objects presented on the images in respect to the intended purpose of the analysis. Due to the initial visual interpretation and image objects descriptors definition, both methods are considered as a semi-automatic. Tests were performed based on the selected Brodatz textures and artificially generated noisy images, aiming at the indication of strong and weak points of both methods while applied to the edge/object detection tasks.
Jenerowicz M., Wawrzaszek A., Krupiński M., Aleksandrowicz S., and Drzewiecki W. (2019), Comparison of mathematical morphology with the local multifractal description applied to the image samples processing, Proc. SPIE 11176, Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019, 1117638 (6 November 2019)