Gromny E. at al., (2024) Remote sensing insights into land cover dynamics and socio-economic Drivers: The case of Mtendeli refugee camp, Tanzania (2016–2022)

The purpose of this article is to present the scope and the dynamics of the environmental changes unfolded in the vicinity of Mtendeli refugee camp. It presents a new method, which combines geospatial analysis

Wojciechowska, I., Kotarba, A. Z., & Żmudzka, E. (2023). Cloud type frequency over Poland (2003–2021) revealed by independent satellite-based (MODIS) and surface-based (SYNOP) observations

Recent studies have identified several statistically significant trends in cloud genera frequency over Poland. Notably, there has been an increase in high and convective clouds, along with a decrease in Stratus, Altostratus and Nimbostratus.